PSU Opens Two New Cultural Centers

centers1PSU held a grand opening celebration two weeks ago for the new Pan-African Commons (PAC) and Pacific Islander, Asian and Asian American Student Centers (PIAAA). The centers were created in response to the December 2015 PSU Students of Color Speak-Out. While these centers were long overdue, the hard work and dedication of many students, staff, faculty and administrators made it possible to plan and open them in less than ten months.

The recent presidential election has brought to the forefront how important and valuable these cultural centers are in creating safe spaces for dialog, reflection and support.

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Vlog: Listening to Your Voices

There are many opportunities at PSU to hear from students–in our classrooms, office hours, public events, student organizations, meetings, surveys and casual conversations. That said, there are not enough occasions where students are invited to freely share their experiences, questions, concerns and suggestions. Three years ago the Vice President of Student Affairs, Global Diversity and Inclusion, and Academic Affairs created an opportunity for traditionally underrepresented students to speak their mind and meet in an informal setting.

Dozens of students have attended the regularly-held “Listening to your Voices” events.  We follow up each session with information and, where possible, implementation of students’ suggestions.

This is not the only way for us to hear directly from students, but it is an open invitation to students for participation and sharing of ideas directly with three vice presidents.

I have asked Dr. Carmen Suarez, our Vice President for Global Diversity and Inclusion, and Dr. John Fraire, Vice President for Student Affairs to share their perspectives on these gatherings with us.


Highlighting Three PSU Cultural/Scientific Events

Soochow University Art Troupe
visited PSU last week to help celebrate the 11th anniversary of our Confucius Institute. PSU’s connections with Soochow University run deep. Soochow is Portland State’s sister university, located in Suzhou, China. The partnership supports two PSU students a year to study Chinese and culture at Soochow University. Over 300 guests attended the performance and filled the Peter W. Stott Center, including three consular officials from the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco.

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