Starting off 2016-17 Academic Year: Achievements, Goals, and Events

psu-campusI hope everyone had a great summer achieving goals while also spending time to relax and recharge. We are entering a new academic year which means I will resume my blog on a regular basis.

There were many accomplishments in FY16 through both individual and collective efforts; too many to list here, but they include:

  • Adopting a new PSU Strategic Plan
  • Finalizing our joint School of Public Health with OHSU and hiring its founding dean.
  • Creating five new academic programs and 10 certificates.
  • Completing or making significant progress on 24 reTHINK PSU projects; including advances in advising redesign.
  • Working collaboratively through the Interest-Based Bargaining process with our faculty unions, PSUFA and PSU AAUP, to establish collective bargaining agreements.
  • Individuals and groups of faculty and staff publishing articles, and receiving grant awards and honors.
  • Continuing to improve our campus space with building renovations and expansions.
  • Establishing task forces on African-American/Black and Asian/Pacific Islander Student Success.

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