Nominate Colleagues for Faculty and Staff Awards – Deadlines Approaching!

awards1Faculty and staff recognition is important to our PSU culture and community. Showing appreciation for those we work with is one of the many things that makes PSU a great place. We have formal ways of acknowledging employee accomplishments and service as demonstrated this last March with our “Length of Service Awards” and our call for nominations for Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards.

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Recognition Where Recognition is Due

Recognition where recognition is dueA little over a week ago we honored our faculty and staff who had reached a length of service milestone at PSU of 20, 25, 30 or 35 years of service. The Length of Service Award Celebration and Reception was held in the Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom (SMSU). We packed the room as many came to honor sixty-nine of our fellow colleagues for their significant achievement and contribution to Portland State University. We heard, in their own words, about their memories and fond moments at PSU.

Formal and informal, recognition of employees is an important means for an organization to acknowledge individual contributions. The ceremony was recognition based on years of dedicated service—a total of 1,725 years collectively!

Two weeks ago we also announced that nominations are being accepted for nine excellence awards. Yes, nine! Eight for outstanding faculty and one for an academic professional or administrator. This is the largest number of awards we have ever given and signals the important recognition of faculty and staff achievement. The recipient of each award receives a citation and a $1,500 taxable honorarium.

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